National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Featured Articles :

How do we taste…and why does it go wrong?
Our sense of taste is important for our health and happiness. Taste helps us make choices about the foods we...
Oral Health, Taste disorders
Gum disease: By the numbers
Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a leading threat to dental health and the most common cause of...
Gum Disease, Dental Health, Oral Health
More than two decades of NIH research gives answers on a rare disease affecting bones, skin, and the endocrine system
Why do patients with fibrous dysplasia/McCune-Albright Syndrome break their bones so easily? Or hit puberty as early as infancy?...
NIH Research, Rare Diseases, Dental Health, Skin Conditions
Your smile (and mouth) can tell you more than you might think
While you might not realize it, your mouth plays an important role in your health and well-being. Good oral health...
Dental Health, Oral Health
Uncovering a cure: NIH-supported research lays the groundwork for understanding and treating pain
From the lab to the bedside Pain affects millions of Americans. It’s hard to measure, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all...
Audio analgesia: How sound blunts pain—at least in mice
An international team of scientists, led in part by investigators from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, studied...
NIH Research, Pain
Sjögren’s syndrome: What you need to know
Sjögren's syndrome is an autoimmune disease that often damages the glands that make tears and saliva, or spit. It...
Sjögren's syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders
Thriving with Sjögren’s syndrome
For decades, 79-year-old Joan Manny of Brookeville, Maryland, suffered from a variety of seemingly unconnected symptoms. In her teens and 2...
Sjögren's syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders
Carrie Ann Inaba doesn’t let Sjögren’s syndrome stand in her way
Carrie Ann Inaba is a familiar face in millions of American homes. A lifelong dancer, she has become well-known as...
Sjögren's syndrome, Autoimmune Disorders
5 common questions about dry mouth
Dry mouth is a common symptom of Sjögren's syndrome, as well as other diseases like diabetes and HIV/AIDS....
Sjögren's syndrome